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Writer's pictureNicole deViere

Why Yoga is My Passion

Yoga DrishTi was founded on dreams and visions rooted in alignment and community.

I have been shifting my perspective since I was a young child. I experienced many moves around the country and the constant change in scenery, surroundings, and perspectives allowed me to see and feel the fullness of different life situations. Yet, living a scattered life as a child, the pieces sometimes became too grand to put into perspective. I thought I had no way to line them up; to connect them. Individually, I always felt love and a desire to serve, but at times I felt lost in the vastness of everything that was evolving.

Yoga put the reigns in my hands, igniting a power that was always present, creating a way to connect those ever fluctuating pieces; a way to tell, feel, and appreciate my story - a way to align.​​​​ With yoga, I saw and felt how I was already connected. Without knowing it, I had been contributing all along. This was a powerful and life changing moment.

I have been noticing, acknowledging, and expanding from the joining of Yoga to my "dance" ever since - reveling and celebrating my life’s circle. I'm passionate about yoga and living a holistic lifestyle. I want to share and pass on the sense fullness and entirety it provides. And, I am grateful and thankful for all the support I've had and still have from teachers, friends, family, and the community! People need people. Namaste.

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